Workshops, Events and Monthly Study Groups Calendar


 workshops and private sessions are in-person and zoom.

Please sign up for my newsletter to stay updated about all offerings.

Sessions: In-person or by phone, Skype and Zoom.

$100 for a one hour Reading –  Skype, Zoom, or phone
$100 for a Soul Retrieval, Extraction, or Shamanic Healing Session including Energetic Cord-Cutting
$100 for a Spirit Detachment Session – Skype, Zoom or remote
$100 for a Private Hypnosis or Past Life Regression Session – Zoom
Gift certificates available in any denomination.

Payment Options:
PayPal: Use or The Sacred Journey
Venmo: Use Joyce St. Germaine, then 3848 for new contacts if asked.
Check: Make payable to The Sacred Journey and mail to:
Joyce St. Germaine, 29 Davis Road, Burlington, CT 06013.

Thank you!

Your Preferred Phone or Email

Shamanic Energy
Cord-Cutting Training
In-Person or via Zoom

More dates coming soon.

Energy cord-cutting is a common, traditional practice in cross-cultural shamanism. However, it seemed to me that the simple technique I was taught fell short of providing all that it was capable of. Throughout the years, I explored and experimented and have developed a proven, more thorough technique by combining different modalities and experiences. This ritual goes beyond the traditional ritual of releasing a former lover, partner, or relationship.

By applying what I’ve learned in my 40 years of practice as a intuitive reader, spiritual counselor, hypnotherapist, and shamanic practitioner, I have found the outcome to be highly effective and extremely powerful. I am often asked to perform this ritual on energy workers, body workers, therapists and other mental health professionals, those in the medical profession, those in helping and healing roles, and their clients. The feedback is remarkable; some results present themselves immediately and some unfold over time.

By request, I am offering training in this practice.

Energy cords are created through interactions with others, or may passed through ancestral lineage, or manifested by limiting thoughts. Sometimes they are present with our knowledge or sometimes without our awareness. It should be noted that not all energy cords are harmful; some are much-needed reminders of interactions which created powerful learning experiences. Sometimes our light/energy cords become entangled and through the ritual of cord-cutting, unhealthy ties can be released, sending them back to their origin with love.

In this all-day workshop, you will personally experience the process,  perform it on  class participants, and learn how to offer it to others in your life. This intensive, comprehensivecourse is for those in the helping or healing fields and ANYONE wishing to be of service to others. It can also be performed on oneself.

In this training, you will:

  • Recognize when cord-cutting is appropriate
  • Identify cords of harm
  • Use words as energetic vibrations
  • Explore the role of ancestry
  • Release cords and energies of harm
  • Reclaim positive, healing energies
  • Learn energy field sealing/cauterizing
  • Positively impact both those in spirit and those on the earth plane
  • Learn how to utilize your previous trainings and experiences in this process (energy work, massage/body work, intuitive readings, hypnosis, psychotherapy, counseling, etc.)

Please bring a journal or notebook, a stone with a pointed end and which fits comfortably in your hand, and a stick which has a knife-like shape.

If you would like to use a crystal for your cord-cutting practice, you may bring one which will be dedicated solely for this purpose. Those on Zoom, please have these items ready.

Lunch will be provided to in-person participants; please bring a refillable mug. Zoom participants will provide their own lunch.

$110 for In-Person Attendance,
includes *lunch, snacks, beverages
$100 for Zoom Attendance



PayPal: Use
Venmo: Use Joyce St. Germaine, then 3848 for new contacts.
Zelle: Please contact me for details.
Check: Make payable to The Sacred Journey and mail to:
Joyce St. Germaine, 29 Davis Road, Burlington, CT 06013.

*Lunch will be a vegetarian wrap or turkey wrap, regular or gluten-free, chips, choice of condiments. (special dietary restrictions accommodated wherever possible)

If you would like to attend in-person,

please reply ASAP to save your spot!

Please include your cell number.

Upon registration, please submit your lunch order: (or whether you will be bringing your own lunch)

1) Vegetarian Wrap OR Turkey Wrap w/ lettuce & tomato?

2) Regular OR Gluten-Free?

3) Cheese OR No Cheese?

4) Hot Peppers OR No Hot Peppers?

5) Mustard OR Mayo OR Both?

6) Allergies, Restrictions?

Our space is comfortable and heated, but you may want to bring warm socks or slippers and a cozy wrap. We have yoga blankets for sharing as well as herbal tea and hot chocolate. Show your earth love by bringing a refillable mug. We also have paper cups.

‘Tis the season…if you are not feeling well, kindly join us on zoom instead of in-person. Thank you for your thoughtfulness!

In-person attendance is limited; please reserve your spot ASAP.

Kid’s Magical Energy Clearing Ceremony

with Joyce St. Germaine, M. Ed., CHt., RYT-200
Wednesday, March 24, 6:30-7:30 PM via ZOOM

Children are extremely sensitive to the energies and events happening at  home, school, and in the world around them. The events of the past year have greatly impacted our children on all levels, in ways we could never have imagined. With the promise of brighter days ahead, we can help children of all ages to release those feelings and habits which are making them feel unhappy, frustrated, impatient, or struggling. Then, those energies may be reclaimed and used for joy, confidence, serenity, optimism, creativity, playfulness, whatever they wish. We can help our children to rebalance and thrive!

This ceremony is similar to a shamanic cord-cutting ceremony and is completely appropriate for children of all ages. I’ll combine my experience as a Certified Shamanic Practitioner/Certified Shapeshifting Practitioner and Art Teacher (K-12) for this event!

After receiving a thorough explanation of the process, parents will assist their child(ren) to identify and write a statement of those things they would like to release from their energy fields and what they would like to reclaim. Families with more than one child will write a combined statement on behalf of the family.

Children will love participating in the ceremony and be mesmerized by the magical, multicolored sword I’ll be using to clear their energy fields! It’s actually made of Titanium-Coated Quartz Crystal and is believed to enhance strength, focus, confidence, and joy.

We will end with a lighthearted sound infusion of love!

$10 per family
If this presents a hardship, please join as my guest.

—– swirl2 MONTHLY STUDY GROUPS swirl2 —–


Psychic/Spiritual Development

Monthly Study Group

In-Person and Zoom

Second Wednesday of Every Month

6:30-8:30 PM

For most classes, you will need your journal or notebook and (optional) pendulum and clear quartz crystal. To increase your receptivity, it is advisable to eat a light dinner before class rather than a dense, heavy meal.

In this study group, you will be introduced to new topics and review previous topics. Our goal is to grow, explore, experiment, unfold, and blossom, both individually and as a group. Everyone has wonderful gifts, ready to be developed, to contribute to the well being of all. In order to be of service to others, professionally or personally, we must practice self-care. Let this be something you do just for YOU!
There is a very strong connection between spiritual growth and psychic development. Every session starts with a positive, light-filling exercise and includes topics such as spirit guides, palmistry, oracle cards, pendulums, energy healing, etc..Reclaim your intuitive gifts, assist others and live life more joyfully.

Please have a journal or notebook, pendulum or something similar, and a clear quartz crystal in you have one. We often use Soul Cards, Decks 1 & 2 by Deborah Koff-Chapin. (Amazon offers them at a reduced price.) It is not necessary to have them unless you wish to practice on your own.

It is helpful to gradually create a sacred bag or box to keep and carry your crystal, pendulum, journal, special personal object, and small cloth or mat. If you are attending in-person, please show your earth love by bringing a refillable water bottle for the water dispenser and/or mug for our complementary teas. There will be paper cups available as well.

GOOD TO KNOW: Seating choices are folding chairs or back-jacks. We will sometimes meet outside around the fire pit and waterfall. Bring a jacket or sweater or wrap if desired. The only step is the short one at the sliding glass door. The restroom is also on the ground floor. Please park in the driveway is you have difficulty walking. If you’re able to walk down our driveway, kindly park on the street.  Our very friendly dog, Luna, may join us from time to time.

6:30- 8:30 PM

This group meets on the second Wednesday of every month unless otherwise noted. 


In-Person and Zoom. Class fee of $25 ($20 for elders over 65, veterans, and full time students) For in-person attendance, please call or email to reserve your spot. There is no limit for zoom attendance.

Joyce St. Germaine is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Psychic/Spiritual Development Monthly Study Group
Time: This is a recurring meeting
on the SECOND WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 6:30-8:30 PM (unless otherwise noted)

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 848 7304 7709
Passcode: 766261

If the zoom link doesn’t work, please copy and paste

If paying for class during these difficult times is a hardship, you are still welcome to join us. Please email me regarding your wish to attend.

Email for Zoom invitation



Monthly Study Group

In-Person and Zoom

Third Wednesday of Every Month

6:30-8:30 PM



(I will be away leading a retreat.)

Shamanism is the oldest known spiritual practice, dating back 60,000 to 100,000 years. It is practiced in all cultures, where shamans are sometimes known as medicine men or women. Based on the belief that the world is which we exist is merely an illusion, shamans strive to access the non-ordinary reality, divided into the Upper World, Lower World and Middle World. Access is gained via the shamanic journey, usually under the influence of drums, rattles or other instruments. These instruments are generally percussion instruments used to create sonics that vibrate at four beats per second. This beat guides the journey into theta brainwave activity, known to stimulate creative and spiritual experiences. These experiences foster deep, sacred connections and relationships with “All That Is”.

In this monthly study group, you will develop an understanding of cross-cultural shamanism and become adept at journeying as you work with animal and spirit helpers, and ancestral spirits as well as elemental energies. Usually, a journey begins with a sacred smudging ceremony to honor the elements of earth, air, fire, and water. In addition, smudging is a personal and group declaration that each person has come to the ceremony in a good and kind way, with an open heart, and with respect for the teachings. Then the spirits of the seven directions are welcomed and invited to share their teachings and influences. These seven directions are the North, East, South, West, Above, Below, and Within.

Teachings from various shamanic traditions will be explored and traditional and non-traditional approaches will be introduced. Native American, Australian, Ancient Egyptian, Tibetan, Mayan, and Central and South American shamanic teachings and practices will be explored. These study group is appropriate for any level of experience. All dedicated and compassionate people who wish to initiate positive change in the world are welcome. It should be clearly understood that shamanism is not a religion but rather an all inclusive spiritual practice. You will also participate in various shamanic ceremonies, often around our fire pit and waterfall. Sometimes, when there are specific needs, we offer group healing energies to beings and places struggling with natural or man-made disasters around the world. We will focus on healing and restoring balance to self, community, and the planet. As we work together to create and utilize community energy, you will learn group and individual healing techniques.

Please bring a notebook, eye covering, drum or rattle if you have one, a feather, and a fist sized rock. (There are many drums and rattles for sharing.) $25 ($ 20 for elders over 65, veterans and full time students)
You must preregister to reserve your space if you will be attending for the first time.

6:30- 8:30 PM

This group meets on the third Wednesday of every month unless otherwise noted.



In-Person and Zoom. Class fee of $25 ($20 for elders over 65, veterans, and full time students) For in-person attendance, please call or email to reserve your spot. There is no limit for zoom attendance.

If paying for class during these difficult times is a hardship, you are still welcome to join us. Please email me regarding your wish to attend.

Email for Zoom invitation


with Joyce St. Germaine, M. Ed., CHt, RYT-200

at The Sacred Journey


6:30 – 8:30 PM


Learn how the past has a direct effect on the present and can even shape the future. You will gain an understanding of your strengths, fears, relationships, and karmic responsibilities. Learn how past life regression provides insight to those who are committed to personal and spiritual growth. You will be given a clear explanation of hypnosis and safely guided, through group hypnosis, into memories of past lifetimes. Your subconscious mind, also known as your Higher Self, will choose lifetimes that are important and significant to you in your present life. You will learn a powerful self-hypnosis technique to use on your own for any purpose you desire. For extra comfort, you may want to bring a mat, blanket and pillow. There will be some mats and blankets available. It is also strongly suggested that caffeine be avoided in the afternoon.

This workshop fills up fast so reserve your space ASAP! or (860)675-9706


Spirit Detachment Practitioner Training 

If you feel called to do this work,

please contact me to set up an interview!  

Participation is by pre-approval only! 

with Joyce St. Germaine and the current THE SACRED JOURNEY “Spirit Detachment Practitioner” group.

PLEASE NOTE: In case of inclement weather, if “Burlington Parks and Recreation” cancels local events, we also cancel.

Quantum Physics is now substantiating that non-physical entities do exist and can greatly influence our lives. Many mental, emotional, and physical disorders as well as spiritual unrest can be the result of attachments. Indications include depression, anxiety, fatigue, eating disorders, substance dependency, mood swings, and sudden personality or behavioral changes. At times, physical symptoms appear which cannot be explained. The Spirit Detachment Practitioner learns to scan the energy body and is able to differentiate between earth bound attachments, dark entities, past life traumas, energy blockages, and a person’s self imposed limiting thoughts. Then safe and appropriate techniques are employed to release these attachments or blockages in a loving, compassionate manner, bringing healing on all levels. Also extremely effective in cases of haunted buildings or properties, these techniques can be used in person or remotely. St. Michael, the Archangel, is very instrumental in this work which can bring about extraordinary results, even when all other modalities have failed.

This technique allows practitioners to utilize other healing modalities and honors all prior knowledge, experience and gifts.
Any spiritual, medical, or professional experience enhances the healing process when combined with these specific Spirit Detachment techniques. This will become your unique practice!

Spirit Detachment Practitioner Training is appropriate for therapists, counselors, energy workers, mediums, readers, healers, and anyone wishing to help those in need.

It is expected that you have well-developed intuitive skills and a solid personal spiritual practice.

If you feel called to do this work, please contact me to set up an interview.

Participation is by pre-approval only! 

We meet on the first Wednesday of every month, 6:30-8:30 PM:

$25 per class, $20 for elders over 65, veterans and full-time students.

(860) 675-9706 

If paying for class during these difficult times is a hardship, you are still welcome to join us. Please email me regarding your wish to attend.

Email for Zoom invitation




Virtual Shamanism & Qigong Classes
with Joyce St. Germaine & Marie Lavendier
Watch for Upcoming Dates!

Our recent autumnal “Strengthening the Wise Woman Warrior” mini-retreats were so well received and powerful, Marie and I were asked to offer more Shamanism and Qigong fusion activities to guide you into the winter season.  We are delighted to offer four weekly, one-hour virtual classes with Be Yoga in Avon. You may join us via Zoom from anywhere and take one class or more. It’s up to you! We will vary the exercises, activities, ceremonies and journeys for each class. 
Women are deeply connected deeply connected to the earth, embodying each of her beautiful seasons. As winter approaches, there are practices which can strengthen us, physically, emotionally, energetically, and spiritually. This fusion of shamanic and qigong experiences designed to nourish us through winter’s challenges, combine qigong, movement, shamanic ceremony and journeying. No prior experience is needed. 
Co-Teaching with Marie Lavendier, M.S., is a Certified Qigong Instructor in the Healing Tao, Certified Journey Dance Instructor, Certified Shake Your Soul Instructor, and Certified Holistic Pelvic Care Practitioner. She is also an educator and published writer. She offers classes from her studio— The Studio at 143 Main in Farmington ——and at other locations. She is a co-producer of Dance Temple Hartford, a Conscious dance event with live music. Marie believes that combining movement with Qigong promotes maximum energy flow in the body for health and well-being. or 860-416-8967.
To register: please visit

Road Trip to mine Herkimer Diamonds!

NEW DATES Coming Soon!

(Come for all or part, for adults and children ages 4 and up)


Come with us to the Herkimer area of NY, home of the incomparable, radiant, indescribably beautiful Herkimer Diamonds!

Herkimer Diamonds were discovered here after their formation 500 million years ago. They are highly sought after for their stunning visual beauty and for their metaphysical properties. They are believed to energetically assist in balancing the chakras, attuning the intuitive senses, reversing the polarity of injuries or illnesses, and intensifying creativity and dreamwork. Some also believe that they can energetically “attune” people to their loved ones or allow one to experience a new beginning in this lifetime. Whatever you believe, you will have a great time mining for your own Herkimer Diamonds!
We really missed going last year so are very excited to be going again soon! We try to make a couple of trips every year.  Mining activities are varied and are appropriate for all ages and levels of fitness. You may swing sledge hammers and picks, sift through crushed stone, or leisurely wash soil away under running water to find these brilliant gems. All mining activities are above ground, not underground as it might seem.

We will be mining at “Ace of Diamonds” mine, considered the best among the local mines. There are several reasonably priced hotels nearby. Some folks have reserved rooms at Inn Towne Motel for this trip. Red Roof Inn or Inn Town Motel seems to be a favorite of miners and explorers. It received high ratings on Trip Advisor although I CANNOT personally offer an opinion as I haven’t stayed there. Ace of Diamonds mine has some rustic campsites and lean-to’s. Nights can be chilly there at this time of year. RV’s are also welcome there; some sites have water and electricity. Contact the mine to reserve a site. There are other campgrounds including a KOA nearby with FAR greater amenities and also offering cabins. We will be camping right at the mine so you are invited to stop by for a hot cup of coffee or chocolate or a cold drink. Our little camper has a microwave and stove which you are welcome to use. There are restaurants nearby or you may bring your own food. The mine has easily accessible bathrooms. We usually end our day sharing mining stories and exciting discoveries around the fire pit. If enough people are interested, we can have pizza and salad delivered as we have in the past.

Look for our new camper on the lower level, in the back left corner. You’ll recognize it by the wolf decals. (It’s not the same A-Frame camper you’ve seen in the past.) We will have our friendly dog, Luna with us.

Mining fees per day are $14 for adults and children 8 and older, children 4 – 7 are $7, children 3 and younger are free. Mining hours are 9 AM – 5 PM. You may rent mining equipment or bring your own. Most items are $1, $4, or $6 per day to rent. Safety glasses are required. Bring your own or buy them there.

Based on my experience, I would suggest safety glasses, work/garden gloves, sunscreen, sturdy shoes or boots if you plan on climbing the rock piles, a hat, long and short sleeved shirts, sweatshirt, and jeans or comfortable pants. I brought a bucket with a small sledge hammer, chisels, picks, and small hand broom and some simple garden tools. Then I rented a few other tools. Consider a portable stool or cushion for seating and a little bag or tin to hold your diamonds. The best specimens I found were discovered simply by casually brushing loose dirt around, without much effort or tools. You will decide how much effort or exercise you are up for. And…in the unlikely event that you do not find any Herkimer Diamonds, the gift shop will help you to purchase some to take home. Their gift shops offers many other kinds of stones and crystals as well as books, sculptures, etc.

My biggest find thus far!
Chris and I will be there Friday afternoon through Sunday afternoon. (We are extending our stay through Monday morning for this trip.)

You may want to come for one overnight or two. Most people are leaving from CT Friday late afternoon or early evening for the approximately 3 hour ride. Some are leaving CT on Saturday or coming just on Sunday without staying overnight. Please let me know if you are interested in a ride share or hotel roommate and I will help you to connect.Some hotels are pet-friendly and pets are allowed at the campsites and at the mine, leashed and with responsible clean-up.

PLEASE NOTE: You are responsible for your own expenses and for making your own hotel, camping, and transportation arrangementsBe sure to communicate with anyone you are sharing a ride or room with.If you are carpooling, you are welcome to meet here at 29 Davis Road in Burlington, CT and leave your extra cars in our driveway.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this fun adventure! Of course you may invite your family and friends! Kindly inform me if you will be going and how many people will be in your group. An accurate head count will be helpful…thanks!  


or phone: (860) 675-9706


Ace of Diamonds Mine
NYS Route 28
Middleville, NY 13406
hone (315) 891-3855

Red Roof Inn
100 Marginal Road
Herkimer, NY 13350
Phone (315) 866-0490

Please join my email list to be informed of upcoming activities.



Please join my email list to be informed of upcoming activities and dates.

Consider a private workshop or plan group readings for your next
celebration or event!

Gift certificates available in any denomination.
